To obtain an estimate of the ambient temperature, the device measures the flow temperature every 5 minutes and performs a moving average across the last 30 minutes. It then performs the following computation:
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--uriencoded--\text%7BAmbient Temperature%7D = \frac {%7B\text{Ambienttext%7BAmbient Sensor Raw Value}^{2.2}} {\text{FlowValue%7D%5e%7B2.2%7D%7D %7B\text%7BFlow Sensor Raw Values Moving Average}^{1.2}}Average%7D%5e%7B1.2%7D%7D |
To achieve the instructed room temperature, the device applies the PI algorithm.
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--uriencoded--e = \text%7BInstructedtext%7BSetPoint Temperature%7D - \text%7BActualtext%7BAmbient Temperature%7D
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--uriencoded--\text%7BValve Percent%7D = \text%7BPrevious Valve Percent%7D + K_p * e + K_I * \sum_%7B%7D%5e%7B%7D e |