If the actuator storage voltage level discharges to < 2V, then the device can no longer maintain normal operation. In order to avoid possible freeze damage, the actuator takes a protective position in heating mode. For this purpose, the actuator opens the valve to 50% or maintains the current position if it is already more than 50%. The actuator then deactivates itself from normal operation into a state of minimal energy consumption: no radio activities and no motor activities. It remains in this state until the storage is recharged to a sufficient level by the thermoelectric generator. In this operating mode, the unit cannot be addressed by radio and will not perform temperature control. Thus temperature fluctuations and overheating in the room will occur. As soon as sufficient charge level is available, the actuator stops Forced Heating and resumes normal operation. Restoring the storage device to full charge requires manual charging or full heating for several days, which is why this condition must be avoided by taking appropriate measures in advance (monitoring the ES bit and e.g., Slow Harvesting).