\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
Visit TTN Cloud Console and Log-In into your Account and select Applications
Create a new Application if needed or use an existing one
Click “Register End Device“
Choose “micropelt” from “End device brand“ and select “MLR003“ as model
Choose “Europe 863-870 MHz (SF9 for RX2 - recommended” as the Frequency Plan
Enter the JoinEUI/AppEUI of the valve actuator and Click Confirm
Enter the DevEUI, AppKey and the End device ID and click “Register End Device“
The device will be registered to TTN and you can check the incoming messages from the Live Data tab
You can send downlinks from the “Messaging“, “Downlink“ tab
You can use our “Excel Decoder Tool“ to generate Downlink messages
MLR003 Payload Encoder/Decoder