Fluid (water) temperature FSRV | Recommended offset for the flow sensor value FTMP applied in FPORT 0x08 (Offset values derived in climate chamber and without valve adapter) |
55°C | 10°C |
65°C | 13°C |
70°C | 14°C |
To obtain an estimate of the ambient temperature, the device measures the flow temperature every 5 minutes and performs a moving average across the last 30 minutes. It then performs the following computation
Orah footnote an.spaceKey MH text Ambient Estimate Calculation id 0cv82peijaks
Mathblock | ||||
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--uriencoded--\begin%7Baligned%7Dbegin%7Balign*%7D & \text%7BFlow Smoothened Temperature Estimate%7D(t)%7D F_s = \frac%7B\sum_%7Bi = t - 5%7D%5e%7Bt%7D%7B\text%7BFlow Sensor Raw Value%7D(i)%7D%7D%7B6%7D + \text%7BFlow Offset%7D frac %7B(0.2 F + 1.2F_%7Bt-1%7D + 1F_%7Bt-2%7D + 0.8F_%7Bt-3%7D + 0.6F_%7Bt-4%7D + 0.3F_%7Bt-5%7D + 0.1F_%7Bt-6%7D) %7D %7B4.2%7D + \text%7BFlow Offset%7D \\ \\ & \text%7Bwhere F = Flow Raw Value%7D \\ & \text%7Bwhere Flow Offset = 0 (default)%7D \\ \\ & \text%7Bif %7D \Big(F_s - z \text%7BAmbient Temperature Internal%7D(t) = \text%7BAmbient Sensor Raw Value%7D(t) * (\frac %7B\text%7BAmbient Sensor Raw Value%7D(t)%7D %7B\text%7BFlow Temperature Estimate%7D(t)%7D)%5e%7B1.2%7D \\ \\ \\ \text%7BAmbient Temperature Estimate%7D(t) = \frac%7B\sum_%7B i = t-3%7D%5e%7Bt%7D %7B\text%7BAmbient Temperature Internal%7D(i)%7D%7D%7B4%7D \end%7Baligned%7D \big( F_s - 0.5(F_%7Bs_%7Bt-3%7D%7D + F_%7Bs_%7Bt-4%7D%7D ) \big) \Big) < \text%7B Ambient Raw Value%7D \\ & \text%7Bthen%7D \\ & \hspace%7B1cm%7D \text%7BFlow Corrected %7D F_c = \text%7BAmbient Raw Value%7D \\ & \text%7Belse%7D \\ & \hspace%7B1cm%7D \text%7BFlow Corrected %7D F_c = \Big(F_s - z * \big( F_s - 0.5(F_%7Bs_%7Bt-3%7D%7D + F_%7Bs_%7Bt-4%7D%7D ) \big) \Big) \\ \\ & \text%7Bwhere z = 0.1%7D \\ \\ & \textbf%7BAmbient Temperature Estimate%7D = \textbf%7BAmbient Raw Value%7D * \Bigg( \frac%7B\textbf%7BAmbient Raw Value%7D%7D%7B\textbf%7BFlow Corrected %7D F_c%7D \Bigg) %5e%7B1.2%7D \end%7Balign*%7D |
Byte | Uplink in FPORT #1 | Details | Description | |
2 | FSRV | Flow Sensor Raw Value | The uncompensated flow temperature measured at the valve side | |
3 | FTMP | Flow Temperature Value | The flow moving average, with offset applied Moving Average of Flow Sensor Raw Value + OFFSET (set via FPORT 0x08) Default OFFSET = 0 | |
4 | ASRV | Ambient Sensor Raw Value | The uncompensated ambient sensor value | |
5 | ATMP | Ambient Temperature Value | Ambient Temperature calculated from