STM32 Cube Programmer should be installed
Windows Driver Kit should be installed
an RFID reader should be connected
a USB A to micro-USB cable should be connected
Open the Updater Tool
The Updater Tool will create a new CSV file to store the credentials of the updated devices
For each device:
WARNING: Keep each device paired with its original cover
Carefully remove the cover from the device
Place the cover on the RFID reader
Plug the USB into the device
WARNING: While the Updater Tool is attempting to flash the device, do not unplug the USB
On the Updater Tool, click “Flash”
Press and hold the button until the tool reports that it has detected the device (the tool will detect the device a couple of seconds after the device beeps; note that the tool may report detection to the console window but not to the application window)
Release the button and wait
The Updater Tool will report successful or unsuccessful flashing of the device
Upon successful flashing, the Updater Tool will log the device credentials to the generated CSV file
Upon flashing completion (success or failure): unplug the USB, reattach the antenna to the cover, align the PCB vertically to prevent damage to the LED during replacement of the cover, monitor the alignment of the PCB while replacing the cover
Close the Updater Tool by clicking the red 'X' in the top right corner. The Updater Tool will email Micropelt with a list of updated devices, so that Micropelt can keep their stock list up-to-date. The Updater Tool will report if the email fails to send; in such a situation, please manually email Micropelt with the generated CSV file.
The Firmware Updater Tool retains the original Application Key for each device. Thus, if the device will continue communicating with the same Gateway, then there is no need to update the device credentials within the Gateway.
Photos of opening a device
Problems and Possible Solutions
If flashing fails, try plugging the USB into a powered USB hub
If flashing fails, try a different USB cable