Problems and Possible Solutions

Copyright Micropelt

Problems and Possible Solutions










MLR003R device is not resetting / activating after USB charging.

Completion of recharging the internal battery through USB is indicated by blinking red LED. Unplugging the USB cable will automatically reset the device to return to normal operation.

Pushing the PCB push button while the USB cable is connected will force the device into flashing mode, the device will not react when unplugging the USB cable.

Device not used according to specification. Manual device reset is required, get in touch with Micropelt info@micropelt.com

Device failed to execute its reference run in installation

The device isn’t installed correctly either due to:

Valve body thread is not M30x1,5

Valve body adapter is not the correct type

Valve body adapter is not correctly mounted

Valve body pin and inner plastic seal are defect

Valve body insights (example)


Wrong adaptor on valve body and mounted incorrectly (and never use plastic!)

Check valve thread

Check adaptor

Check valve body pin and plastic seal


Device joined to gateway

User received uplinks

Device did not respond to downlinks

Downlinks were being sent on the wrong port

Operating downlinks should be sent on port 1

Device behaviour does not match downlink instruction

Downlink queue was not empty

Clear the downlink queue

User received many normal uplinks

User received some bizarre uplinks

LoRaWAN join process is as follows:

MAC messages are sent on port 0.

User was deserialising the MAC messages as if they were operating uplinks.

When gathering operating uplinks, include a filter:

port == 1

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