Copyright Micropelt
Subscribing and Publishing MQTT Messages from Gateway(Semtech Packet Forwarder Protocol)
Links to Documentation
Description | Link |
MQTT Message Structure and Documentation (For Multitech Gateways) |
Subscribing to MQTT Messages from the device
MQTT Command to view UPLINK Messages
mosquitto_sub -v -t lora/<enter-DEV-EUI-here>/up -u <Enter_Username_if_any> -P <Enter_Password_if_any>
mosquitto_sub -v -t lora/30-37-37-35-60-31-5f-0f/up -u User -P top_secret_password
lora/30-37-37-35-60-31-5f-0f/up { "tmst":1670771435, "chan":0, "rfch":0, "freq":868.1, "stat":1, "modu":"LORA", "datr":"SF7BW125", "codr":"4/5", "lsnr":10.2, "rssi":-27, "opts":"", "size":11, "fcnt":8, "cls":0, "port":1, "mhdr":"40d1c4fd00000800", "data":"ADk/c3MAfy4AEiY=", "appeui":"31-20-03-21-ec-61-07-00", "deveui":"30-37-37-35-60-31-5f-0f", "devaddr":"00fdc4d1", "ack":false, "adr":false, "gweui":"00-80-00-00-00-01-8c-8a", "seqn":8, "time":"2023-06-09T11:56:16.293904Z" }
The "data" field contains the uplink data in Base64 format.
"data" : "ADk/c3MAfy4AEiY="
Paste the Base64 Payload into the Excel Tool MLR003 Payload Encoder/Decoder
(Uplink Decoder Sheet) and Click Convert to view the decoded messages
The Excel decoder output will be as follows
Publishing MQTT Messages to the Device
MQTT Command to send Downlink messages to the device
mosquitto_pub -t lora/<enter_DEV_EUI_here>/down -m '{"data":<enter_Base64_payload_here>,"port":1}' -u <enter_Username> -P <enter_Password>
Use the Excel Tool to prepare the Base64 Payload for the Downlink from “Downlink Encoder“ Tab MLR003 Payload Encoder/Decoder
Example Downlink Payload
mosquitto_pub -t lora/30-37-37-35-60-31-5f-0f/down -m '{"data":"SQAoAABA","port":1}' -u User -P top_secret_password