MTCAP Gateway Bulk Upload Device Credentials

Copyright Micropelt

MTCAP Gateway Bulk Upload Device Credentials

Uploading device credentials via CSV is only applicable for MTCAP FW >=5.3.0

  File Modified

File multitech_csv_template.csv

2024-11-11 by Balamurugan Sadasivam

The MLR003R device credentials can be imported in to the MTCAP gateway via CSV file upload


  1. The CSV should be in the following format

deveui, appeui, appkey, class, device_profile_id, network_profile_id 1111111111111111, 1231231299992312, 1231231212312312123FF31212312312, A, LW102-OTA-EU868, DEFAULT-CLASS-A 2222222222222222, 1235533212312312, 1231231212312312123FF31212312312, A, LW102-OTA-EU868, DEFAULT-CLASS-A 3333333333333333, 12355331231231e2, 123123121231232123FFe31212312312, A, LW102-OTA-EU868, DEFAULT-CLASS-A
  1. Select LoRaWAN->Key Management->Upload

  2. Choose the CSV file and check the “Append to Current list“ if you do not want to delete the exisiting credentials

  3. Click OK

  4. The device credentials will be uploaded to the gateway







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