Copyright Micropelt

Wattsense Gateway BACNET Configuration


Make sure you have added the MLR003 Device to the Wattsense Gateway

Link: Wattsense Gateway Setup and Instructions

  1. Go to Configuration → Gateways → Create new gateway

  2. Give a name and description for the gateway, Choose Protocol as BACnet IP Gateway, Physical Connector as (eth2) Right Eth Port, UDP Port 0xBAC0 (47808)

  3. Save the gateway settings and click on Send to the box

  4. The BACNET Gateway will be created, Click on Properties and then Add Properties

  5. Select your MLR003 Device and choose the requried properties (eg. Ambient Temperature, Battery Level, Current Valve Position), and click Save and click Send to Box

  6. Use a Bacnet Explorer Tool to test the BACNET Gateway (Eg. YABE )

  7. Click on “+“ symbol to add new devices, Enter the IP Address of your computer in the Local endpoint field and click Add

  8. The application will connect to the BACNET Gateway created on the Wattsense console

  9. The properties selected in Step 5 will be available for viewing on the Bacnet Explorer

  10. Downlink messages can be sent to the device by selecting the “Encoded Downlink message“ property and changing the “Present Value“ field in the following format <hex_message>:<port> (Use the excel tool to generate hex payload MLR003 Payload Encoder/Decoder )