Manual battery recharge EnOcean MVA-003/4/5

Copyright Micropelt

Manual battery recharge EnOcean MVA-003/4/5

Documentation on how to recharge the storage (LiFePO4) in the EnOcean MVA Series.

Read below or download the documentation here:




Material required for recharging the MVA003/4/5’s internal rechargeable battery

Material required for recharging the MVA003/4/5’s internal rechargeable battery

  • Hand tools for opening MVA00x (spatula, tweezers, TX10 Torx screwdriver)

  • Power supply or charger, capable of delivering at least 320 mA and 3.6 V

  • Cable and clips (e.g. Hirschmann KLEPS 2), for connecting the rechargeable
    battery to the power supply or charger

How to

  • Set the power supply to a voltage of 3.60 V (3.55 … 3.65 V) and the current limiter to 320 mAh (+/- 20%).
    When using a charger, set to LiFePO4 or LPO single cell (1s1p), 320mAh and 1C charge rate. The charge method is called CCCV (constant current, constant voltage).

  • Open the housing of the device to be charged (refer to the following pages for the different devices MVA003, MVA004 and MVA005), connect charge cables and activate the output of the power supply or charger.

  • Terminate the charge when the current is down to 5 mA*. A dedicated charger will do this automatically.

  • The duration of the charge process depends on the initial state of charge. A battery that is fully discharged will take approx. 90 min to reach full charge.

* This parameter is uncritical. No damage will occur if power is not removed at this point.

Opening the MVA003 housing

  • Carefully insert spatula between plastic cap and Aluminum body

  • Force the housing open

Connecting charge cables on MVA003

  • Clip the positive charge clip onto the positive lead of the rechargeable battery

  • Clip the negative charge clip onto the temperature sensor’s ground terminal. Alternatively, clip to the metallic shield of the radio module (next to the temperature sensor)

  • Take care not to short out the battery. Do not create a connection between a battery lead and any other component on the circuit board. Do not attach a charge clip to the Aluminum body.

Opening the MVA004 housing

  • Carefully lift the pushbutton ring (tweezers) and pull it up and out of its groove.

  • Unlock the temperature sensor from it’s saddle.

  • Unscrew the 3 housing screws that are now accessible.

  • Remove the plastic cap to gain access to the circuit board.

  • Locate the rechargeable battery.

Connecting charge cables on MVA004

  • Clip the charge clips onto the leads of the rechargeable battery (red = positive)

  • Take care not to short out the battery. Do not create a connection between a battery lead and any other component on the circuit board.
    Do not attach a charge clip to the Aluminum body.

Opening the MVA005 housing

  • Pull off the rotating wheel while it’s in the center position. This requires some force.

  • Unscrew the 3 housing screws that are now accessible.

  • Remove the plastic cap to gain access to the circuit board. Be careful not to damage the temperature sensor in the process.

  • Locate the rechargeable battery.


Connecting charge cables on MVA005

  • Clip the charge clips onto the leads of the rechargeable battery (red = positive)

  • Take care not to short out the battery. Do not create a connection between a battery lead and any other component on the circuit board.
    Do not attach a charge clip to the Aluminum body.



Under certain conditions it can happen, that the device doesn’t start in spite of the battery being fully charged. A hardware-reset can remedy this situation:


Gain access to the circuit board. On MVA003 the Aluminumbody can stay on, with MVA004 / 005, it needs removal.

  • Use a wire or test lead (pictured on the right)

    • For 1 second, connect point 1 to point 2(capacitor positive terminal to ground)

    • For 1 second, connect point 1 to point 3(capacitor positive terminal to rechargeable battery positive terminal)

    • Shortly after, the red LED of the targeted device will flash.

    • With the device not attached to a valve, press a pushbutton / turn the dial: In response, the device’s motor will run for a few seconds, before entering sleep mode.

The exact connection points for MVA003, MVA004 and MVA005 are pictured on the following slides.


Hardware-Reset MVA003 Connection Points

  1. Connect points 1 and 2 for 1 second

  2. Connect points 1 and 3 for 1 second


Hardware-Reset MVA004 / MVA005 Connection Points

  1. Connect points 1 and 2 for 1 second

  2. Connect points 1 and 3 for 1 second










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