Copyright Micropelt
Set Point Temeperature feature of Wattsense Gateway
From version 6.0.3 APPS onwards, the actual set-point temperature can directly be sent to the MLR003R device instead of a full downlink message with a port number
This feature is available from version 6.0.3 APPS and only for “Set Point Ambient Temperature“ operating mode
Login into your Wattsense Console and make sure your device is added
To add a new device to the Wattsense Gateway please use the following link Wattsense Gateway Setup and Instructions
Once the device is added to the gateway and succesfully communicating the desired set point temperature can be set using the “Target Temperature“ property available from the console
Click “Set a Value“ option from the “Target Temperature“ property
Enter the desired set point value and click “Save“
The new value will be sent to the device and can be confirmed in the next uplink by checking the “User value according to User Mode“